Fungal Nail Infections: PACT

Fungal nails infections affect approximately 1.6 million people in Australia. They are often difficult to clear due to stubborn fungal spores, and often returns.

The most common treatments are topical antifungal nail lacquers, and oral medications. Unfortunately, maintaining compliance with nail lacquers is difficult as many forget to apply to solution. It also takes several months for visible improvements. Oral medications are much more effective; however, it is not always appropriate for patients due to medical conditions, or medications.

A new, alternative treatment is PACT. PACT is an abbreviation for Photodynamic Antimicrobial Therapy. This method uses the interaction of light with photosensitive agents to produce a local chemical effect that effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi without causing any discomfort, or harming healthy tissue.

How does PACT work?

PACT uses the interaction of light with photosensitive agents to produce a local chemical effect that effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi without causing any discomfort, or harming healthy tissue. This is because microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi all possess a cell wall, whereas typical human cells only have a cell membrane. Upon application of the PACT Fungal Nail Gel, the dye selectively targets the fungal cell walls making them sensitive to light, and destroys them.

What does a typical treatment plan involve?

This is ultimately determined by your podiatrist. Infection duration and severity will account for session length and duration.

Typical treatment involves:

  • Reducing nail thickness through mechanical filing
  • Application of the photosensitising gel
  • Application of the light source for 9.5 minutes per area
  • The total treatment should take approximately 30 minutes
  • Repeated applications are recommended 3 times in a 7 day period
  • Review in 3 months’ time